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AXA Union News

Amicus campaign for equality in AXA

Over the next two weeks Amicus Reps across the country will be promoting the issue of inequality in women's pay and career progression in AXA, with a number of events being held at larger sites (some including cross-dressing!)

Whilst the pay gap in AXA (around 30%) is not as bad as the sector average of 41%, it is certainly no grounds for complacency and as a study of staff gender split by grade shows in both Life and Insurance, whilst women make up the majority of staff in both companies, men take the majority of posts in grades 6b upwards.

Amicus is committed to work with AXA to ensure this issue is resolved but we need to see dynamic action to start to improve the situation if it is to be resolved for the benefit of existing female employees.

Our latest newsletter is on the subject of gender inequality and can be found here.

23rd April 2007

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