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Frequently Asked Questions from AXA staff and members

The following FAQ are ones we are often asked by members and staff around the country, if you have a question you would like answered, please contact your local union rep.

I am a manager, can I join the union?

For some reason there is a misconception with some managers that they are not allowed to join a trade union as they are a manager. By law in the UK anyone can join a trade union (with certain exceptions such as the police and armed forces).

Amicus has many manager members both in AXA and other financial instituions, and whilst we do not represent managers in AXA for the purpose of collective bargaining, they can call upon the union for individual representation and use our expertise should they ever need it. Managers can even join online if they wish to keep their membership confidential.

I work for PPP Healthcare, can I join the union?

Yes. Amicus has a growing number of members in AXA PPP healthcare.

Whilst we do not currently represent staff in PPP for the purpose of collective bargaining, members can call upon the union for individual representation and use our expertise should they ever need it.

Do I have to pay into the Political Fund?

No. By law Amicus must maintain a seperate political fund to allow it to campaign on 'political' issues (and workplace rights which are fixed by Parliament or the EU are political) and we believe we use it responsibly to improve workers legal workplace rights, but members can opt out of paying into it should they wish.