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Unite Calls On AXA UK To Boycott ABS

Unite have written to AXA UK CEO Nichlas Moreau requesting AXA UK halt any current plans to outsource work to AXA BS in India and repatriate or transfer existing work to other providers because of AXA Business Services's poor ethical record.

Unite has become increasing concerned over two main issues:

  • Equality: we have previously highlighted the plight of the Dalits in India trying to get AXA to take action. Unlike HSBC, ABS do not include caste in their equality monitoring policy and have refused to sign the Ambedkar Principles an attempt to address caste discrimination in the private sector.
  • Social Dialogue: despite the Indian trade union Unites having members in ABS, management refuse to respond to any correspondence with the union or meet with them to discuss issues of mutual interest such as high staff attrition which undoubetedly impacts on the level of service ABS provide UK customers. This stance is also contrary to AXA policy and statements by AXA CEO Henri de Castries that AXA will always talk to local unions.

Unite National Officer Hugh Jones-Glass stated: "AXA UK would not accept such poor ethical standards on these issues from a UK outsource provider, just because ABS are based in India this should not make this position any different.".

David Hynam, AXA UK Group Chief Operating Officer has responded to Unite stating: "AXA UK takes ethics extremely seriously and works closely with partner companies. Discussions will continue with AXA Business services for us to better understand this issue and we will update Unite accordingly".

15th August 2008

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