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AXA Union News

AXA sorry for any unnecessary offence

AXA have acted swiftly to address the issues raised by Unite over its 'My Budget Day' cartoons and apologised for any offence the first may have caused to employees.

The remaining cartoons have been reviewed as requested by Unite and AXA have promised that changes will be made as necessary to ensure any unintentional negative gender stereotyping is removed.

Unite is pleased to see AXA take such swift action over this matter and recognises that the error made was unintentional and that AXA is committed to working to address issues such as gender equality.

Despite the issue over the promotion of 'My Budget Day', Unite are pleased to support the initiative both within AXA and to its two million plus members in the UK, the issue of personal debt being one of major concern to the union.

Unite encourage all employees at AXA, whether union members or not, to sign up to the initiative and spend an hour reviewing their finances and hopefully becoming somewhat better off as a result.

12th October 2007

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