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AXA Union News

AXA CEO - no tolerance on bullying

This week sees the 4th National Ban Bullying At Work Day on 7th November and across the organisation Amicus and AXA will be holding a series of events to highlight the problem of workplace bullying.

AXA CEO Nicolas Moreau has issued an unequivocal statement stating that bullying, harassment and victimisation "will not be tolerated in AXA" and the union will be releasing a questionnaire to help see how widespread the problem is within AXA (if you don't receive a copy please email Steve Blease or Richard Brooks for a copy).

We have also updated our website with advice, links and downloadable publications for staff and managers on workplace bullying, so if you feel that you are being bullied or are concerned about a colleague, or if you are a manager and are concerned about the behaviour of a subordinate please visit the webpage.

4th November 2006

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