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Workplace Representation in AXA

Workplace Representatives:

  • i) Workplace representatives are elected at each workplace in accordance with Amicus rulebook.
  • ii) Elections will take place at workplaces were there are more nominations than positions provided for in the July 2007 Unite-AXA recognition agreement. If there are equal or less nominees than positions an election will not be held and the positions filled automatically.
  • iii) Positions are held every two years from 1st May 2007.
  • iv) Nominations for representatives must be submitted to the NCC Secretary by 1st March the same year. Nominations must be received in writing from a union member at the workplace in question and seconded by a union member from that workplace.
  • v) Existing workplace representatives do not need re-nomination and will automatically be assumed to wish to stand again for a further period of two years unless they advise the NCC secretary accordingly by 1st March that year.
  • vi) Elections are held in accordance with the Amicus rulebook between 15th March and 1st April the same year.
  • vii) Positions that become vacant during the two year period will follow a similar nomination and election process with the new incumbent holding the position until the next national election.

Health & Safety Representatives:

  • i) The election of Health & Safety Representatives follows the procedure outlined above.

Learning Representatives:

  • i) The election of Learning Representatives follows the procedure outlined above.

National Company Committee:

  • i) Twelve National Company Committee (NCC) delegates and six deputies are elected from amongst the Workplace Representative, Health and Safety Representative and Learning Representative population.
  • ii) Elections will take place were there are more nominations than positions on the NCC.
  • iii) Positions are held every two years from 1st May 2007.
  • iv) Nominations for representatives must be submitted to the NCC Secretary by 8th April the same year. Nominations must be received in writing from a union representative and seconded by a union representative.
  • v) Existing NCC delegates do not need re-nomination and will automatically be assumed to wish to stand again for a further period of two years unless they advise the NCC secretary accordingly by 1st April that year.
  • vi) Elections are held within the union representative population between 15th April and 30th April the same year.
  • vii) Positions that become vacant during the two year period will be filled by a deputy promoted by the NCC with the new incumbent holding the position until the next election.

Senior Workplace Representatives:

  • i) Senior workplace representatives are elected following an interview at by the AXA National Company Committee at the first NCC following 1st May 2007 (and every two years thereafter) following receipt of a nomination, application form and interview by the NCC and National Officer. This decision will be ratified by vote of representatives attending the following AXA Representatives Conference held in July the same year.
  • ii) Elections will take place were there are more nominations than positions provided for in the July 2007 Unite-AXA recognition agreement. If there are equal or less nominees than positions an election will not be held and the positions filled automatically.
  • iii) Positions are held every two years from 1st August 2007.
  • iv) Nominations for senior workplace representatives must be submitted in writing to the NCC Secretary by 1st March the same year. Nominations must be received from a union member at the operating company in question and seconded by a union member from that operating company. Application forms from the potential senior workplace representative must be received by the NCC Secretary by 1st April and circulated by the NCC Secretary no later than the 8th April.
  • v) Existing senior workplace representatives do not need seek re-nomination and will automatically be assumed to wish to stand again for a further period of two years unless they advise the NCC secretary and National Officer accordingly by 1st March that year. Positions that become vacant during a two year period will follow a similar nomination and election process by the NCC with the new incumbent holding the position until the next election