2023 Pay Ballot Result
The result of the 2023 pay ballot is as follows:
For: 71%
Against: 29%
We have communicated this to the company.
Thank you to everyone who voted and the local workplace reps for the hard work they put in running the ballot.
The result of the 2023 pay ballot is as follows:
For: 71%
Against: 29%
We have communicated this to the company.
Thank you to everyone who voted and the local workplace reps for the hard work they put in running the ballot.
Each year the pay budget (the amount of spend allocated to pay increases) and how it is distributed out to our people is reviewed. These elements are negotiated between AXA and Unite for all AXA UK employees in Associate to Professional grades, except for those in AXA Health.
AXA Health has also released their own pay statement today.
Overall budgets
This year’s negotiations between AXA and Unite have taken place during a very challenging economic backdrop, with high inflation and a cost-of-living pressures putting pressure on both our people and our business. Despite this difficult backdrop, negotiations have progressed in good spirits with both sides trying to find a fair outcome.
Negotiations have now concluded with an offer of a 7% overall pay budget increase for all colleagues across the Associate to Professional grades.
Similarly, a budget increase of 7% will also apply to the Senior Professional to Senior Leader grades, as agreed during consultation with AXA’s Manager Representatives.
How AXA distributes pay awards – matrix vs. discretionary approaches
AXA distributes pay awards based on either a matrix or discretionary approach according to employee grade. Both approaches are described in more detail below, but this table shows which approach, and proposed pay budget value, applies to each employee grade in 2023:
Matrix pay distribution | Discretionary pay distribution | |
Associate | Yes – 7% budget | No |
Senior Associate | Yes – 7% budget | No |
Professional | Yes – 7% budget | No |
Senior Professional | No | Yes – 7.0% budget |
Leader | No | Yes – 7.0% budget |
Senior Leader | No | Yes – 7.0% budget |
Unlike recent years, Professional grades are being included in the matrix pay distribution approach for 2023 awards.
2023 Matrix pay distribution approach (Associate, Senior Associate & Professional)
The total 2023 pay budget increase (the amount available to spend) for this group is 7%, however the actual pay award for each individual will be influenced by their performance rating and the position of their salary in the pay range. Following the matrix below, this means that larger awards will be provided to those with a higher performance rating and those positioned at the lower end of the pay range.
Further information about how pay is distributed using the matrix (including how to calculate your position in range) can be found on the My Pay page on ONE.
Why is AXA proposing to include the Professional grade in the matrix approach in 2023?
In recent years, Professional grades have typically been included in the discretionary approach of distributing pay. However, we are changing this approach for 2023.
Feedback received from our Professional-graded colleagues is that they would prefer to have the greater certainty of pay award outcomes that a matrix pay approach provides.
At this point, this change is effective for the 2023 pay awards only but we have agreed with Unite that we will conduct a review later in the year to review the matrix approach and the grades that it is applied to. The outcome of that review will take effect for the 2024 pay awards.
2023 Discretionary pay approach – Senior Professional, Leader & Senior Leader
Managers who are responsible for making pay decisions during the pay review process (also known as Pool Heads) will use their discretion to provide pay awards for employees in Senior Professional to Senior Leader grades, keeping within the overall 7% budget.
Pool Heads consider a range of factors when making a decision on an individual’s pay including their performance, position in the salary range, the external market and comparison to peers. Outcomes are reviewed centrally to ensure fairness. The process for these checks and the guidance provided to Pool Heads ahead of pay review are reconsidered each year to ensure that they continue to be fit for purpose and lead to appropriate pay outcomes.
Hybrid Working Allowance
The Hybrid Working Allowance of £6 per week is to continue on an on-going basis (subject to HMRC continuing or modifying the arrangement). The payments will be available to all employees at all levels up to Senior Leader (apart from those who are 100% office-based) and are not subject to tax or National Insurance Contributions.
Adjustments to pay ranges
Minimum salaries in the UK pay ranges were uplifted above the new Real Living Wage for National and London in October 2022.
Pay ranges have been assessed again to determine whether further adjustments are required, keeping the external market in mind. The revised 2023 pay ranges will be available in the Manager area on ONE towards the end of February and will be effective 1 April 2023.
Competency Frameworks
Spot rates in the Insurance Competency Frameworks were reviewed in October 2022, with uplifts being applied where spot rates remained lower than the new AXA UK minimum salary.
All current frameworks are now being reviewed against the market and any further adjustments to spot rates will be applied with effect on 1 April 2023.
Next steps
Unite members will go to ballot on this offer between the 16th and 22nd February. The final pay budget won’t be confirmed until the results of the ballot are known.
Individual pay outcomes will be formally communicated to employees in March and any pay increases will take effect from 1 April 2023.
There is more information on the pay review process on the My Pay page on ONE. Please speak to your line manager or Unite representative if you have any further questions.
Claudio Gienal Dominic Hook
Group Chief Executive National Officer
AXA UK & Ireland Unite the Union
Unite in AXA reps have been contacted by members at a number of sites about a pay statement coming today. This appears to be the result of a post on One last week “Joint Statement Coming Soon” which had been scheduled by the AXA‘s internal comms team based on the anticipated negotiations timetable and not removed to reflect the fact that the 2023 pay talks are taking longer than normal to reach a mutually acceptable position for us to ballot members. Talks are continuing and when we have some news to share we will do so.
Unite in AXA are currently engaged in talks with the company over the 2023 pay award. We need you to show how strongly you feel that AXA UK should give you a Fair Pay rise during the current cost of living crisis.
Please sign the petition HERE and encourage your colleagues to do so too…
Unite in AXA reps attending the AXA European Works Council in Paris today, took the opportunity to raise the issue of the cost of living crisis and pay with AXA Group CEO Thomas Buberl.
This is what we said:
The cost of living crisis crisis is a trans-European issue. In many countries people are struggling with energy bills, the cost of food, increasing fuel prices, rising interest rates etc. The impact, of course, varies from country to country depending on the level of Government support and other factors, but regardless it is a major issue of an unprecedented scale faced by many AXA workers across the continent many who are now being forced to make extremely difficult choices this winter.
Like many financial institutions AXA reported a strong performance in the first half of 2022 with an increase in profits of 11% to €3.9 billion, following on from what you called an “excellent performance” the previous year with underlying earnings up 61% to €6.8 billion.
Whilst we appreciate you need to maintain strict controls on issues such as Solvency 2, the immediate negative impact of the cost of living crisis on many employees is such that it is not unreasonable for employee representatives such as ourselves to ask what actions AXA are taking to help its vulnerable workers across Europe and also ask that it give some more consideration to the problems the employees are facing, rather than the size of the dividend given to shareholders in 2023 or billion Euro share buy-backs.
When confronted with the reality that some employees of this company are faced with decisions about either switching on the heating or eating, and when others will be soon seeing increases in their mortgage payments that could well see them lose their homes, can it be right for a company as rich and as strong as AXA to enforce a real term pay cut on its employees by insisting its entities implement below inflation pay rises on the very workers who generate the “excellent performance” and generate the company’s multi-billion Euro profits through their hard work.
Please do not think the good will of the employees will last if you make them worse off in real terms at such a desperate time. There is a very big risk of them becoming disengaged negatively impacting company performance. There is a very big risk to their metal health which will negatively impact company performance. There is a major risk of skilled employees leaving negatively company performance
AXA is a good employer, it has a good reputation, please ensure that remains the case in 2023 by not penalising your employees by effectively cutting their pay with below inflation increases and negatively impacting their well being as well, just so the company can make a few million more Euros and pay the shareholders a few cents more.
Thomas Buberl responded: The cost of living crisis clearly concerns all of us. It is very frightening. AXA is a responsible employer and has taken action with financial support for less well off in France and UK, and will continue to look at this. AXA will address issue of inflation in current salary negotiations looking to balance short and medium term issues and we have no doubt will find a good solution through social dialogue.