Archive for Dignity at Work
Time to stop abuse – Unite in AXA launch campaign & survey
All staff have the right not to be subject to any aggressive behaviour or abuse from customers. Unite in AXA have been approached by a number of members about abuse they have suffered so to understand the level of abuse, how widespread it is and whether it is centred in certain parts of the business we are surveying staff after which we will discuss the results with the company and look to resolve any issues identified.
The survey can be accessed here.

AXA agree to free sanitary product provision across all UK sites…
Following on from Unite in AXA‘s request for free sanitary products across all sites, the company have advised that they will be rolling this out at all sites across the UK by the end of September.
Thanks to the reps who led this campaign, notably Beth and Laura.

Unite ask for sanitary product provision across AXA…
As part of Unite the Union‘s national Period Dignity campaign, and following the success of our union colleagues in Aviva and Legal & General, Unite in AXA have asked the company to provide free sanitary products across all of its sites.
At present provision is inconsistent with it available in some sites such as Middlesbrough, following our recent campaign, others like Manchester where the landlord provides and some like Bristol were a pilot is being trialled by Property. Other sites such as Ipswich have no provision.
We feel that the provision of these products should be consistent across all sites and are urging AXA to implement this as a matter of priority.

How to beat the bullies
It was rather ironic in the week Unite in AXA decided to promote the Dignity at Work initiative, which AXA has signed up to, that the company should unfortunately appear in the press for all the wrong reasons in respect of bullying. Recognising the importance of the issue and that one incident is one too many, the company are preparing new training for managers on the subject, a move we applaud.
Earlier in the week we issued a newsletter challenging us all to look at our own behaviours and ensure they do not step over the line into bullying. Today we are issuing a newsletter for staff concerned that they may be the victims of bullying and containing some tips on how to deal with bullying behaviour and where to get help. This newsletter can be accessed by clicking the link here.
Anti-bullying events held across AXA
A series of events promoting Dignity at Work have been held at sites across the AXA UK operation this week, notably at Basingstoke, Bolton, Ipswich (pictured below) and Morecambe.
We’d like to thank the efforts of all the workplace reps involved and the staff who took the opportunity to discuss bullying at work issues with them.
Dignity at Work
This week Unite in AXA are promoting the Dignity at Work initiative, a project jointly funded by Department for Business, Innovation and Skills and Unite the Union to tackle workplace bullying.
AXA is one of a number of companies that has signed up to the initiative and we are taking the opportunity to remind employees of the project and the main issues around bullying in the workplace.
When considering the issue of workplace bullying it is not only important that we all not only look to stop bullying and support victims, but also consider our own behaviours. Â It is all to easy in a stressful workplace environment with challenging targets to be met to take our eye off the ball and behave in an inappropriate manner. With this in mind we have produced a newsletter with suggestions on how we can turn bullying behaviour into best workplace practice and make AXA a better place to work in.
Click here to read the newsletter.