Time to vote…

Unite in AXA members are receiving emails and/or SMS messages with a link to vote in the 2024 pay ballot. If you have not received a link by the end of today please contact member.services@unitemailings.org

The details of the offer can be found in the Joint Statement (see post below or on One), the company offering a pay pot of 5% for the Bargaining Unit which we negotiate for (Associate, Senior Associate and Professional). This pot is higher than the current inflation figures (CPI 4% RPI 4.9%) and given the difficult trading year in 2023 the company experienced and the size of other offers across the industry we are recommending members accept the offer.

Additionally the company is introducing AXA Cares from 1st April, a global initiative which sees a minimum standard on a number of family friendly policies across the organisation worldwide. This is something that we have been pushing for through the AXA European Works Council and will see some improvement in UK terms such as a doubling of parental leave and the need for paid dependent leave no longer to restricted to emergencies only.


  1. Jinathan Said,

    February 15, 2024 @ 4:47 pm

    My previous comment doesn’t appear to have been published. Is there some censored moderation going on?

  2. steveblease Said,

    February 16, 2024 @ 2:18 pm

    All comments are moderated in case there are spam, but there doesn’t appear to be a previous comment from you.

  3. Cian Harriss Said,

    February 19, 2024 @ 11:35 am

    @Jinathim Said, if you are referring to your comment with the previous agreements you placed that on a different post so would not show here.

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