Working From Home Survey…

Professor Phil Taylor, University of Strathclyde is currently conducting some research on Working from home (WFH). He is asking office-based workers to complete a survey.

Professor Phil Taylor said: “As you know there is a big push for a Return to Work (RTW). Trade unions are clear – workers should not RTW until they have complete confidence that it is safe to do so. This survey will capture workers’ concerns regarding RTW. It will also gather crucial data on your experiences as unions develop bargaining agendas that represent members’ on a range of issues – health and safety, mental ill-health, pressure of work, work life balance etc. Many thanks in advance for your help with this vital research.”

You can access the survey here.


  1. Christopher Logue Said,

    September 9, 2020 @ 11:41 am

    i have concerns firstly about health and safety, i am concerned that AXA are pushing for a return to work albeit a hybrid working system when cases of Covid-19 are increasing daily. I dont feel now is the time to be pushing for this. Also there is no clarity on parking facilities, im not comfortable using public transport in the current climate. I feel i have a much better work life balance, i feel more productive in my role and my mental health issues have reduced incredibly

  2. Edina Hakze Said,

    September 9, 2020 @ 12:06 pm

    Working from home for me is a huge bonus. My mental health has improved considerably. From purely a selfish perspective, not having to commute on busy motorways for 3 hours greatly improves the work/life balance.

    In regard to going back to the office I would find it very hard.The potential to have a larger uncontrolled bubble when I have family members shielding causes me a lot of stress. I have a lot of family commitments were there are serious health issues & the additional time I gain from not commuting 3 hours (min) a day I can use to shop/cook/nurture as in 2 cases I am the only outside contact they generally have.

  3. Stephen Dodsworth Said,

    September 9, 2020 @ 1:37 pm

    As I said at the end of the survey, in my opinion the preamble statements to the survey are biased and leading. Saying things like “The UK government is trying to drive you back to the office” is leading people towards a negative response. These type of negative, anti-government comments should have no place in an unbiased survey.

  4. steveblease Said,

    September 9, 2020 @ 2:50 pm

    It’s an external survey we were asked to share, any issues with its content should be addressed to the author and the University of Strathclyde. Regardless of the wording the Government messaging on office workers has of late been “encouraging” more people to return to the office and we have seen some companies adopting a tougher line following this, as opposed to the “if you can work from home, work from home” message.

  5. Versha Patel Said,

    September 9, 2020 @ 1:38 pm

    It has been difficult working from home but, I have adapted to a good work life balance. It has been comforting to know I have been able to spend quality time with my children throughout all this, as I’m not rushing around to get home to sort home life out. The strain for me has not been a problem as I am used to working from home as part of my role.

    Overall it has given me time and space to reflect on how important your family, health and well-being is. Having the time to relax after work has been a blessing.

  6. Philip Roath Said,

    September 24, 2020 @ 3:39 pm

    I think the key is choice.

    For some roles the office is going to be a better environment. For me I find it more productive to be at home. My mental health and physical health is better as I can answer to door to a delivery, have healthier foods at easier access and there is less commuting time so I can take a walk after work. My work is also more focussed with less distractions.

    Productivity and meetings etc aside why can this not be the decision of the employee? Surely work needs an item of work done. The location is unimportant?

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