Archive for May, 2020

A message from Unite Finance and Legal sector national officers

Unite finance and legal sector officers and workplace representatives are continuously working to protect you during these difficult times. Unite has three priorities for the workforce across your sector during the current health crisis: 

  1. Your health and mental well-being
  2. Your income and
  3. Your job security.

Your union representatives will continue to work day in and day out to protect you throughout the pandemic.

However, Unite understands that in some workplaces like call centers, processing offices and banking branches there are many challenges around social distancing. Unite has heard from colleagues who are fearful about the easing of lock-down conditions and the eventual return to workplaces. Unite stands shoulder to shoulder with you. This is not the time for a return for business as usual within the finance sector.

If you have concerns about current or changing working practices in your workplace Unite is here to support you. Remember you have the right to work safely and to step away if you’re asked to work unsafely. Please do not hesitate to contact your local representative or regional office so that your union can take action to protect you.

The Unite the union message is clear – your wellbeing, your income and your job security are the only things that matter. There can be no return to business as usual within the finance sector.

You can view the latest news from Unite at:

Dominic Hook and Rob MacGregor
Unite national officers

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Working from home… with kids!

Everyone is finding working from home challenging and sometimes quite stressful, even more so if you are also trying to juggle the demands of small children no longer at school or in nursery/child minding.

By and large we think that most employees and managers are considerate of the additional pressures their colleagues with children are facing at present, but unfortunately we have been approached by some members about negative comments being said or posted about them on social media when childcare needs impacts their ability to do their job, especially those whose role involves customer-centric shifts.

To be clear this is unacceptable and is bullying. We have raised this issue with HR and they agree it is unacceptable. If you find colleagues are making negative comments about your issues balancing childcare responsibilities and work, you should speak to your manager. If they do not resolve the issue speak to your local Unite rep and we will help address the bullying.

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We need more kit… now!

As have said previously AXA’s response to the Covid-19 crisis and speed at which it managed to get us all working from home with new laptops was praiseworthy, reducing the risk of infection to staff in as timely a manner as possible. 

Unfortunately since then, the follow up to provide additional equipment to make working from home easier and safer has been less speedy. Many members have contacted us saying how their working arrangements at home are unsatisfactory due to the lack of facilities the have. Employees have reported to us being hunched over laptops sat of coffee tables, sat in an armchair all day, using an ironing board as a desk and even working from their bed! Others have reported eye strain issues with only having a small laptop screen when normally they use two monitors.

Not only does this negatively impact the abilities of us to do the work we are trying to do, it also has a negative impact on our health with the increased risk of back problems and eyesight to name just two.

It is now two weeks since AXA told employees it was looking into this but nothing much appears to have been done and we have told the company that it must prioritise the issue of lack of suitable desks, chairs, screens, keyboards, mouse etc for employees working from home, and they need to do this in the same speedy manner as they rolled out laptops.

Additionally we have raised the issue were staff have attempted to resolve issues of kit their managers have not by dipping into their own pocket to by a mouse or other equipment just so they can do their job more efficiently. A multi-national company the size of AXA should not expect its employees to buy the equipment neeeded to do the job they are employed to and we fully expect AXA to recompense any reasonable purchases.

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International Workers’ Day (#ThankAWorker)

This May Day (Friday 1 May), let us show our appreciation for all those key workers that are looking after us in these difficult times. #ThankAWorker

This May Day our usual planned events can no longer take place, but it’s more important than ever to mark the contribution that workers make every day.

This pandemic show us how much we owe frontline workers. In health, in care and in all our vital services. They are the best of us and we say thank you.

Here’s what you can do today

Step 1: Post a short video on social media thanking a worker who’s made a difference to you.

Step 2: Then nominate 3 of your family members or friends to also thank a worker in their own video.

Step 3:Tag them in your post and use hashtags #mayday and #ThankAWorker.

You could choose your postie, shop worker, someone in the NHS, delivery driver, food worker or any other frontline worker…

Please spread the word now so as many people as possible can be ready to post their videos to mark the day. Encourage your friends, family members and colleagues to take part. Save this shareable graphic to let others know what to do. 

These workers are risking their lives to ensure we can be safe at home. The very least we can do is #ThankAWorker. 

If you don’t have time to take the action, simply download these social images graphic 1graphic 2 and post it on your feed.

It is important that everyone tells their own story of appreciation so if you have a special thanks to make, simply post your message using #ThankAWorker

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