Archive for February, 2019

2019 Pay Ballot Result

Based on a 72% return of ballot papers issued, the result of the 2018 pay ballot is as follows:

For: 71%
Against: 29%
Spoilt: 0%

We have communicated this to the company…

Thank you to everyone who voted and the local workplace reps for the hard work they put in running the ballot.

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Ex-Prospero redundancy terms under review…

Unite in AXA have approached the company with a view to addressing the banked redundancy terms anomaly affecting ex-Prospero/AXA Direct staff. When AXA Insurance terms and conditions where harmonised in 2001 for staff from the various companies including Guardian, Provincial and Prospero, the banking of redundancy terms, a move taken to protect previously earned benefits, resulted in the small ex-Prospero/AXA Direct  population banking redundancy terms worse than those going forward.

We have opened discussions with AXA Insurance about removing this anomaly to ensure this small group of employees do not continue to be penalised for having an employment history different than the majority of their colleagues.

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Pay 2019 – joint AXA/Unite statement

Joint Statement from AXA and Unite

This statement tells you the overall pay budget (how much AXA has to spend on salaries) and framework (how AXA will spend it) for 2019. This is negotiated between AXA and Unite for Associate to Professional bands and applies to all AXA Insurance and Corporate Centre employees.

Overall Budget

This year’s talks have concluded with an offer of a 3% increase for the total pay budget for employees in Associate to Professional bands. The same budget will apply to the Senior Professional to Senior Leader bands. Whilst the overall increase to the budget will be shared across all eligible employees, individual increases will vary based on the circumstances set out below. Any pay increases will take effect from 1 April 2019. 

Associate to Professional Pay Approach

Pay awards will be made to employees in these roles based on performance rating and position of salary in the pay range. The % amounts are set in order to be able to make larger awards to high performers and those lower in the pay ranges, while also remaining within the overall budget. 

Individual outcomes will be formally communicated to employees in March. Further information about how pay is distributed using the matrix can be found on the Manager Area on ONE.

Senior Professional to Senior Leader Pay Approach

Managers who are responsible for pay decisions for the pay review process (also known as Pool Heads) will have full discretion to set pay awards within the overall budget for employees in Senior Professional to Senior Leader roles. These decisions are made in the context of a range factors including individual performance, the external market and comparable pay between peers.

Future Changes to Pay and Bonus Approach

Following the recent changes made to AXA’s bands and pay ranges, it has been decided that Professionals will move into the discretionary approach (currently applied to Senior Professionals and above) for pay and bonus awards paid next year (2020). 

In implementing this change AXA will pay particular attention to ensuring fairness remains at the forefront of pay and bonus decisions and, as with any change, the approach will be subject to review to ensure it is meeting the objectives that have been set down for it.

Other Adjustments

AXA UK’s minimum salary will be increased to £16,380 (based on a 35 hour FTE contract). There are no other changes to pay ranges.

There are some local pay arrangements, like the AXA Insurance Claims Development Framework, which are managed outside of this process.

There’s more information on the pay review process on the My Pay & Benefits pages on ONE.

Next steps

Unite will ballot its members on this offer, with the ballot taking place between the 11th and 20thFebruary.

Please speak to your line manager or Unite representative if you have any questions.

 Claudio Gienal  Group Chief Executive AXA UK & Ireland  Dominic Hook National Officer Unite the Union         

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