Archive for May, 2016

2016 3rd Pay Ballot result…

Based on a 66% return of ballot papers issued, the result of the 2016 2nd pay ballot is as follows:

For: 88%
Against: 12%
Spoilt: 0%

We have communicated this to the company…

Thank you to everyone who voted and the local workplace reps for the hard work they put in running the ballot.

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Back to the Ballot Box

Click here to read the latest Unite in AXA newsletter on the changes to the 2016 pay offer for AXA Insurance staff.

Please leave your feedback below or talk to your local union rep.

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Uncertain Times

Click here to read the latest Unite in AXA newsletter on the selling of the AXA Wealth operations.

Please leave your feedback below or talk to your local union rep.

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