Archive for June, 2013

European Works Council meets in Warsaw

AXA’s European Works Council is meeting in Warsaw with employee representatives attending from Belgium,  France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxemburg, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain and the United Kingdom.

Group CEO Henri de Castries addressed the employee representatives, telling them how the group had delivered solid results in 2012, that there was encouraging momentum with the company was on track with AXA Ambition and that he was now planning towards 2030.

Delegates raised a number of issues with him including the global economic situation, youth employment, cost reduction, offshore operations, social dialogue, global IT and bank operations and corporate social responsibility.

The UK delegation asked the CEO questions on cost management, gender equality, his participation in the Bilderberg Group and pensions.


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Broken trust

Click here to read the latest Unite in AXA newsletter on the results of the Defined Benefit pension scheme survey.

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