Archive for May, 2013

Dear Paul

A number of members have asked us to provide template for an email that they could send directly to AXA UK Group CEO Paul Evans to make him aware of their objection to the plans to the proposed closure of the Defined Benefit pension scheme.

This is a very good idea ensuring that the man ultimately making the decision understands how staff feel about the plan and the individual impact on his long serving employees.

A suggested template wording for you to copy can be found here. Please feel free to personalise it as you feel appropriate.

You may also wish to email your operating company CEO as well using this template.

Given the size of the AXA Group as a global insurance company, many people have questioned the need for the company to close the pension scheme. With this in mind  we have also produced a template wording for AXA Group CEO Henri de Castries which impacted staff may wish to use to register their opinion with the global group leader. That template can be found here.

Whilst we would encourage any impacted employee to write to both Paul and Henri, we would remind people that, whilst appreciating that many of you are very angry and adversely impacted, to remain polite in what you write.

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Click here to read the latest Unite in AXA newsletter on the feedback from Defined Benefit pension scheme members.

Please leave your feedback below or talk to your local union rep.

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Project Falcon bites!

Click here to read the latest Unite in AXA newsletter on today’s announcement of redundancies and redeployments  in AXA Head Office and Corporate Centre.

Please leave your feedback below or talk to your local union rep.

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Pension survey launched

As part of the ongoing consultation we are looking for your views on the proposed closure of the Defined Benefit scheme by AXA. To complete our survey please click here.

Pension Survey Poster

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Alternatives to AXA pension scheme closure

A number of members have asked for more detail on the alternatives to the closure of the Defined Benefit scheme put forward by Unite and the Pensions Consultative Forum.

A copy of the document submitted to AXA listing them can be found here.

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