Archive for January, 2013

100 redundancies at AXA Wealth

AXA Wealth announced yesterday approximately 100 redundancies across the business as a result of the completion of Retail Distribution Review (RDR) delivery, stabilisation of the Elevate platform and the largely completed separation from Friends Life.

Whilst AXA Wealth is performing well compared to its competitors, the market remains challenging, as some individuals hold off investing in uncertain economic times.

Unite in AXA have been fully consulted about the changes to the business and has worked with the company to minimise the impact on staff, especially the number of compulsory redundancies, through redeployment and voluntary redundancy opportunities.

Any member impacted should speak to their local union rep about any concerns they may have or if they need advice.

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2013 pay ballot result

On an 75% return of ballot papers issued, the result of the AXA UK 2013 pay ballot is:

For: 77%

Against: 23%

Spoilt: 0%

The company has been advised of the result.

Thanks to everyone who voted and the local union reps for the hard work put in running the ballots in their offices.

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Time to vote!

Click here to read the latest Unite in AXA newsletter on the 2013 pay offer.

Please leave your feedback below or talk to your local union rep.

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Pay 2013 – joint AXA/Unite statement

Pay negotiations between AXA UK and Unite have concluded with the following pay proposal for employees in levels 9 to 6a.

Overall, this proposal will mean that 2.75% of the total pay spend will benefit levels 9 to 6, against a company-wide average agreement of 2.5%.

This will mean, if your current full time equivalent (FTE) salary is £25,000 in the medium part of the increased pay range and you achieve a Successful rating, your salary will increase to between £25,188 and £25,813 in your April pay.  Your manager will use their discretion to determine your award within the range shown in the pay matrix.

The details:

¾ A pay increase based on the pay matrix below.  The matrix has been built around a 2% award for someone rated as Successful in the medium part of the pay range. Any increase will be based on your performance and position against the increased pay ranges.

¾ Pay ranges have increased by 5% with a commitment to review again next year.

¾ A 3% increase in the minimum salary to £14,320 (exceptions to this are those on AXA PPP apprenticeship scheme, employees rated unsatisfactory, and instances where a manager elects to make a 0% pay award for Partially Successful/ Developing rating).

¾ A joint company-union review of the existing performance management system with recommendations for any improvements by the end of Q2 2013.

Unite will ballot their members, with the ballot taking place from Monday 14 January until Friday 25 January.


The following matrix will be used to award pay increases for all employees in all levels 9 to 3:


Position in Pay Range

Performance rating






3.75% – 6.25%

2.75% – 5.25%

1.75% – 4.25%

1.75% – 4.25%


2.75% – 5.25%

1.75% – 4.25%

0.75% – 3.25%

0.75% – 3.25%


1.75% – 4.25%

0.75% – 3.25%

0% – 2.25%

0% – 2.25%

Partially Successful/Develop

0% – 2.75%

0% – 2.25%

0% – 1.75%

0% – 1.75%






□   This matrix has an element of manager discretion but any adjustments up have to be balanced with movements down – this is necessary to ensure this is affordable for the business.

□   Employees above the pay range (i.e. where their FTE Salary is over the maximum of the pay range) will receive a pay award to be received in monthly pay, rather than as a Lump Sum award.

□ The same principles will apply to the pay review across levels 5-3.

Further information will shortly be available from your line manager.

Karan Hutchinson


Group HR Director

Daryl Williams


Unite Sector Officer (Finance)


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