Pay 2012 – joint AXA/Unite statement

We are pleased to announce that we have reached an outcome on the pay proposal for employees at Levels 6a to 9:

A pay increase will be awarded based on a pay matrix that varies by level as follows:

Employee Level






L 9 – 8


Overall, this equates to 3.6% of the total pay spend for Levels 9 – 6a.

Unite recognise that real progress has been made in the pay negotiations and the proposal is a very fair offer in relation to industry wide discussions. Unite will ballot their members for acceptance in the forthcoming pay ballot which will take place from Wednesday 1st February to Tuesday 14th February.

Vox were also consulted on this proposal in respect of AXA PPP employees, and are in agreement with Unite.

Pay matrix

The following matrices will be used to award pay increases by level as follows:

Level 6 – 3%


Position in Pay Range





4.75% – 6.25%

4.25% – 5.75%

3.25% – 4.75%


3.75% – 5.25%

3.25% – 4.75%

2.25% – 3.75%


2.75% – 4.25%

2.25% – 3.75%

1.25% – 2.75%


0.00% – 2.50%

0.00% – 2.25%

0.00% – 1.75%

Level 7 – 4%


Position in Pay Range





6.25% – 7.75%

5.25% – 6.75%

4.25% – 5.75%


5.25% – 6.75%

4.25% – 5.75%

3.25% – 4.75%


4.25% – 5.75%

3.25% – 4.75%

2.25% – 3.75%


0.00% – 3.25%

0.00% – 2.75%

0.00% – 2.25%

Level 9 and 8 – 4.75%


Position in Pay Range





7.00% – 8.50%

6.00% – 7.50%

5.00% – 6.50%


6.00% – 7.50%

5.00% – 6.50%

4.00% – 5.50%


5.00% – 6.50%

4.00% – 5.50%

3.00% – 4.50%


0.00% – 3.63%

0.00% – 3.13%

0.00% – 2.63%

  • These matrices have an element of manager discretion but any adjustments up have to be balanced with movements down – this is necessary to ensure affordability for the business.
  • For those employees paid above the pay range (i.e. where their FTE Salary is over the maximum of the pay range) a pay award based upon the maximum salary for their pay range will be made using the same percentages as available to those High in range.
  • Pay awards will be available for employees rated as Partially Successful/Developing. The matrices are broadly based around awards that are 50% of those available to employees rated as Successful. All awards are subject to manager discretion and based on the available ranges within these pay matrices.
  • For employees paid a salary of less than £13,900 (FTE) after the application of the pay matrices, a further uplift will be made to bring the revised FTE equivalent salary to £13,900. The £13,900 FTE salary is a value suggested by Unite which is prescribed by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation as being a “minimum income standard”. (Exceptions will be any ring fenced arrangement as a result of a TUPE, employees rated unsatisfactory, employees on the AXA PPP apprenticeship scheme and instances where a manager has elected to make a 0% pay award for Partially Successful/ Developing rating.)
  • There will be no immediate changes to the pay ranges for 2012, however an agreement has been reached to review the pay ranges in view of current market conditions in Q3 this year.
             Karan Hutchinson
Group HR Director
Daryl Williams
Finance and Legal Sector Unite



  1. Peter Spragg Said,

    January 30, 2012 @ 3:14 pm

    I think this is a very good proposal for acceptance – IMHO it shows a genuine effort to target the lower paid and fair percentages all around given the difficult climate for negotiations.

  2. Elaine Jones Said,

    January 30, 2012 @ 3:21 pm

    Again I will be going backwards even though for a consecutive year I have achieved a succesful grading. I got 1% last year and will probably get about the same this year as my salary is at the higher end. Someone obviously thought I was worth that once. Even my manager last year said he was embarrassed at the 1% and admitted that I will be going backwards again this year. I don’t know of anything else (biils / travel season tickets etc)that is increasing at 1% or lower. I often get told that a ‘Succcesful’ is a good achievement. It doesn’t feel that way.

  3. John Said,

    January 30, 2012 @ 7:44 pm

    Elaine while you’re at the top of the pay scale there are alot of people in a worst position right at the bottom of the pay scale which is well below AXA’s considered market rate, ask them to work out how long it would take to get up to market rate and for many it would be getting on for 10years. If your pay reflects you job you do then that suggests the job is set at the wrong grade.

    I do hope that when pay ranges are reviewed in Q3 that there’s a clear plan to get those low on the pay scale to within the medium range within a reasonable amount of time, personally I’d say by end of year 3 but no long than year 5 with the proviso that a successful or higher is obtained during that time

  4. Joe Howells Said,

    January 31, 2012 @ 9:38 am

    I was just wondering, has anyone ever challenged the 20% salary difference in our pay scales between London and elsewhere? Particularly in IT, the real difference is more like 7-10%.

  5. Peter Humphries Said,

    February 1, 2012 @ 1:01 pm

    Yet another year of a pay deal of less than inflation, even on the CPI basis which is 5%. Eventually we won’t be able to afford to work here as the salaries won’t cover the bills.

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