Performance myth-management
Click here to read the latest Unite in AXA newsletter on performance management in AXA.
Please leave your feedback below or talk to your local union rep.
Click here to read the latest Unite in AXA newsletter on performance management in AXA.
Please leave your feedback below or talk to your local union rep.
John Said,
December 7, 2011 @ 10:38 pm
I’ve only heard of this from a UK roadshow a month ago from which it was presented that you shouldn’t feel bad if you get a Partially Successful – my initial thought was ‘Great you’re moving the goal posts at the last hurdle’.
Thankfully my year end review was pain free and quite rewarding to look back at what had been achieved. No curve ball David Brent moments were introduced at the final count, which is always a fear when changes are mooted. It does get frustrating how the process keeps getting tinkered with; with criteria which would struggle to win a plain English award, resulting is definitions that can be a matter of opinion.
One point on the newsletter – you mention that you should only receive a Developing element of the Partially Successful if you are very new to the role – Is this right, surely even if you are very new to the job you should be given objectives which are achievable to an overall rating of successful for the stage the individual is at during that period. If this isn’t the case shouldn’t they be taken out of the performance system and placed on an initial probation period instead. If I got an overall partially successful rating due to developing then I would see myself as being a failure.