Union rep vacancies in AXA Wealth

Following the sale of the life & pensions businesss to Friends Life, we have a number of vacancies for union reps within the new AXA Wealth operation in Basingstoke and Bristol.

Clearly it is important that we have reps in these areas to help assist the union in any potential forthcoming reorganisation as well as to ensure members concerns in this part of the business are heard.

AXA recognise the importance of the role by providing paid time off for training and between 10 to 25% time off to undertake union duties a week. The skills you learn as a union rep are exteremely helpful from a career development point of view as they cover many that team leaders and managers need to be successful.

We are looking for enthusiastic volunteers who want to make a their workplace a great place to work in and are prepared to help colleagues resolve any problems they may encounter at work.

If you are interested in finding out more please contact either myself at steve.blease@axa-insurance.co.uk or Steve Gooden at steve.gooden@axa-insurance.co.uk

Please don’t leave this for someone else to do, it is important that some of you step forward and ensure that members in AXA Wealth are fully represented by the union.

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