AXA Union News

AXA’s “Five A Day” job losses

Over the last year AXA have announced 1760 job losses, that’s five a day: 

7th August 2008: 500 headcount reduction in Shared Services.

22nd January 2009: 1300 AXA staff to TUPE to Capita with at least 350 redundancies.

11th June 2009: 560 jobs cut in AXA Insurance.

5th August 2009: 350 more jobs to be cut in AXA Life.

Whilst Unite appreciate that on occasion hard business decisions need to be made to address issues of cost base and profitability, these reasons must not be used as an excuse for a short term reduction of jobs. Unite will scrutinise and robustly challenge all plans as appropriate and will work with AXA to ensure that every effort is made to minimise any compulsory redundancies.

Individual employees need to give urgent consideration to joining Unite to ensure that not only does the union remain strong in AXA and able to continue its independent robust challenges, but also for the amount of support that the union can provide if they end up being one of AXA’s five a day.

This newsletter outlines some of the support that Unite provides its members in AXA.

18th August 2009

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